providing smart guidance during the financial crisis,
the nation’s best advisors proved their mettle."
Barron's 2010
In 2010, 2011 and 2012 Barron's Magazine lists David Mallach as one of
the top one thousand advisors in the United States. On
this site you can purchase his books. Now available as MP3 Audio Books Audio
books have become very popular and you can now purchase
David Mallach's novels on CD in MP3 format. CDR's with
MP3 (music or audio books) have been a popular format
for some time now and will play on the majority of CD
Players at home and in your car. You can also copy the
MP3 files to your memory card or directly to your
portable device.
All of the books are narrated by Dave Giorgio. Dave is an audio producer,
voice over talent and musician. He has performed live at
more than one thousand events, has written hundreds of
original songs, and has produced more than 200 audio
books and has earned two Gold records.
Running With The
Analysts Audio Sample from
Running With The Analysts Click Here
►“Investing in an exciting way. David Mallach has
one of the most fascinating jobs. So fascinating, in
fact, that some of his stories are truly real life
experiences told through the eyes of someone who has
been there.” Mike Smalla
money manager Johnny Long is back, and this time the
stakes are leveraged like never before. This third
offering in David Mallach’s critically-acclaimed series
of “financial thrillers” takes us into the cut-throat
world of options trading and clandestine hedge funds to
expose the men behind the curtains who are changing our
world faster than we know. In this novel, Johnny Long
finds himself in the middle of two worlds colliding as
he tiptoes along the fault line of human nature where
money meets morality. Caught up in a high-stakes
investing contest among the world’s most powerful
investors, Johnny Long must come precariously close to
the breaking point where the majestic façades decorating
“progress,” “knowledge,” “wealth,” and “philanthropy”
crumble to reveal the true modes of power and resistance
are lurking behind.
When one of Johnny’s clients -- a brilliant but
socially-inept genetic scientist -- announces that he
has discovered a direct link between doing good and
living longer, he unwittingly allies himself with a
sinister group seeking to acquire the doctor’s research
by any means necessary. Their ultimate goal is to
develop a genetically-engineered end to moral decision
making and the choice for free will that defines what is
most quintessentially human. And they will stop at
How far is Johnny willing to go to preserve individual
freedom and free will? Can he redesign his options
strategy to compete with the most successful, most
sophisticated investors in the world? Pushing wealth to
its moral limits, Johnny Long works against the clock to
endow his client with both money and freedom – the money
to continue his ground-breaking research unfettered and
the freedom from the global underground network that
seems to have its tentacles around everything.
Running With The Analysts is an overview of
option investing at its finest wrapped within a
fictional tale of what is… and what can be life’s
richest ambiguity.
reading this I feel like there is hope again."
Investor Todd Wood
18, 2011 "Another Winner -- Mallach's accumulated wisdom
and experience teach you everything you need to know
about successful investing in a fun, easy to read
format. Never before have I read a novel that captivates
you from the beginning and leaves you with incredible
knowledge that can change your financial future. This
novel makes you think and feel; and no matter how many
times you read it something else comes to light that you
had not previously thought about."
KA Bushnell - Senior
Vice President
This book is a work
of fiction. Therefore, it should not be assumed by any reader
that any specific investment or investment strategy made
reference to in this book will be either profitable or equal
historical or anticipated performance levels. It should also not
be assumed that the performance of any specific investment style
or sector will be either profitable or equal its corresponding
historical index benchmark. Finally, different types of
investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no
assurance that any specific investment or investment strategy
made reference to in this book will be suitable or otherwise
appropriate for an individual’s investment portfolio. To the
extent that readers have any questions regarding the suitability
of any specific investment or investment strategy made reference
to in this book for their individual investment(s) or financial
situation, they are encouraged to consult with the investment
professional of their choosing.