Coming Next:
David Mallach's latest
novel, "One Energy", an
exciting geopolitical
thriller with civilization changing plot twists
will be available soon.
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This book is a work
of fiction. Therefore, it should not be assumed by any reader
that any specific investment or investment strategy made
reference to in this book will be either profitable or equal
historical or anticipated performance levels. It should also not
be assumed that the performance of any specific investment style
or sector will be either profitable or equal its corresponding
historical index benchmark. Finally, different types of
investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no
assurance that any specific investment or investment strategy
made reference to in this book will be suitable or otherwise
appropriate for an individual’s investment portfolio. To the
extent that readers have any questions regarding the suitability
of any specific investment or investment strategy made reference
to in this book for their individual investment(s) or financial
situation, they are encouraged to consult with the investment
professional of their choosing. |